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Become a Member of RTC


Being a member at RTC is not just about doing a play.  It's about inclusive community teamwork and respect towards our members. 

There are different levels of membership available depending upon how involved you wish to be with your local theatre.


Have a chat with our Board member responsible for membership, Helen Brown, by sending an email to

(Please provide preferred method for her to contact you.)



Ordinary (FULL) Membership* ($45)  

This is a calendar year membership open to Adults who are, or will be, active participants in the Theatre.

Members with a consistent financial membership and active participation of greater than six months, make valuable voting decisions within RTC.     

*   If you are new to RTC, please fill 'Application form for Ordinary Membership' form below. (Board approval is required before payment can be made.)


Show Membership ($15) 

Open to cast/crew members participating in the current production only.


Affiliate Membership ($10) 

For our Front Of House and Bar Staff volunteers.


Junior Membership (under 18) ($10)

This provides one calendar-year of membership.


We would like to thank all past and present members for their ongoing commitment and support, on and off the stage.  


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