“Murder on the Nile”
by Agatha Christie
Auditions were held 20th January - Congratulations to those who successfully auditioned for a role.
Canon Pennefather (M): Ron Arthurs
Jacqueline De Severac (F): Dasendree Chetty
Kay Mostyn (F): Isadora Verhelst
Simon Mostyn (M): Isaac Corey Henderson.
Smith (M): Connor Brown.
Miss Christina Grant (F): Carlie Drake
Miss Ffoliet-Ffoulkes (F): Jennifer Jackson.
Dr. Bessner (M): Geoff Halpin
Louise (F): Tegan Joyce
Steward (M): Robert Kett
McNaught (M): Peter Shaw
Beadseller No1: Danny Joyce
Beadseller No2: Peter Shaw